Thursday, August 10, 2006

How to explore the polarization between haves and have-nots?

Hi viewers,
Recently, I’m successively joining a certain activity where I can get things off my chest fully. What’s more, it fulfills my desire to learn something new, of course.
It’s an English club which is popular among enthusiasts, consisted of Japanese only.
I’ve once heard there used to be some native speakers around, those who attempted to mingle with in the past, but somehow they vanished in the haze within a short period of time, and it sounds a real shame to us non native.

Ok, let’s get into today’s theme.
Today, I’d like to explore something that is too much at stake here considering the current problems globally. Which is, haves and have-nots…in other words, you can also say like the polarization between rich and poor.
I think it’s a big theme, also we held a discussion concerning the topic at the club shown above yesterday, but it was still up in the air, during the session, since it was quite a big theme. Actually I didn’t expect too much about whether to reach any conclusion or not regarding the topic. Some participants were so motivated that it seemed to be today’s movers and shakers as long as I heard about their strong opinion, while others were a bit apathetic toward such kinds of complex issue. Although it didn’t reach any consensus unanimously at all, it was basically a heated discussion.
The reason why I brought up this kind of topic was a little more than a ploy to let some youngsters draw attention to that stuff, where they can not only expand their imagination, but able to foray into social realms, and same thing applies to me as well all the way.

From my view of solving this kind of stuff is…in short, you know how to inspire younger generations to exercise vote.
As you know, it’s a notable thing that less than half of voters those ages are in their 20s exercise votes on a referendum, every time. But it’s peculiar to this country, and doesn’t seem to apply to any other countries at all. So why is that? I think the main problem is that they attribute their apathy toward politics to the lack of performances conducted by law makers, or government officials. Such as political maneuvering, or the ensuing corruption that seems nothing out of the ordinary makes especially youngsters feel down and out, so that they try to hide away from it.

Given that the aging society has coming out at a break neck speed, young people’s indifference toward politics is nothing but crucial. To make maters worse, the bulk of Japanese office workers are care free, whereas the oil prices have been skyrocketed over the past few decades, even worse, our paychecks…I mean the salaries are likely to be plummeted due to an increasingly high deduction costs, including income tax, or anything else.
It is obvious that the bulk of citizens feel despairing more or less, and some people may attempt to flee from the state in order to set them free, sooner or later.

Well it seems I went off on a tangent for awhile.
Ok, let’s get back to the table. I think it enables you to become riches to a certain degree when you try to make endeavors no matter how you were ill fated, even how your academic background were so scarce.
But is it enough to stop a gap between haves and have-nots?
When all is said and done, it is extremely difficult to figure out the problem concerning the polarization between them. So better we try to attempt the get rich quick schemes, like investing stocks, or winning a lottery?

Ok, gotta run!


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