Monday, December 11, 2006

An Expedition Abroad

Hi viewers,
Recently I’ve been truant because of my overloaded job and house work, and I must admit that I tended to leave it over in regard to posting my updates.
But one fellow, a charming young lady who also had had some mental problems over the past few months fired me up to work on it.
Then I thought there’s no way I could shy away from it, and that’s why I’m here now.

Ok, enough of preliminaries, let’s refer to today’s topic.
Today’s theme goes way back until the late July shortly after I had changed my job.It’s something to do with my then uncle who had died last Aug.
Almost a year passed by, something sprang to my mind … say, my aunt in low.A letter from a certain attorney came to me a few weeks before, saying that I was entitled to take over my uncle’s heritage, since my dad had already died a year before uncle god rest his soul.
It was kind of a mixed blessing when I had got the letter, even had no awareness until the attorney kept me posted.

I surely told her that I would abandon it when my aunt in low gave me a call concerning the problem.
‘Cause I knew aunt’s plight after being lost her husband, and I thought I must have felt quite sorry to her if I took it over as well.
But I was chicken out of saying that I would abandon it to the attorney at the last minute when I met him, because so was I surely strapped for cash, I could barely make ends meet at the moment.

I still had a kind of complexity after I had taken it over without my real ability, yet I couldn’t give up my dream as to mingle with the different society outside Japan.
When I caught a glimpse of a certain newspaper ads letting me know about some info regarding the Internship programs, I was dying to join the seminar at all costs.
The seminar being held in the late Sep really made my day, so I started to wade through a lot of info about my beloved country, namely the US.

Needless to say, today’s US market is one of my major concern, where you could figure out the index of its economy.
But as the figure indicates, the recent US economy is not favorable enough to keep it up with in terms of housing sales, or whatever.
Moreover, it is said that it’s hard enough to measure up the business forecasting ahead of being settled in the future.
In my case, I currently have some U.S dollar though… it doesn't fulfill totally the same amount when you exchange it to JPY.
The exchange rate is now going up and down around the late 116 JPY per USD.
It could be skirted around the losses, which is coming from the fluctuation, if USD goes up to 119 in JPY.
But I think it’s far beyond my expectation when considering recent stagnation in the US.

As long as I read the Nikkei News Report, the survey shows the sluggish economy being conducted out there, it does connect to the recent exchange rate, and it can't be helped as well.
But then again, the interest rate is added up automatically to the total balance, there's nothing wrong with withdrawing the cash in USD out there.
The problem is you know the employment rate, especially in the manufacturing industry is currently on the slight decrease.
What is worse, no matter what you want to do, it should be disadvantageous for us alien when it comes to being hired out there in the first place when taking that of local staff into account.
It’s not an easy task to get a job under such circumstances, even though the purpose is to join the Internship Programs that you cannot earn a penny at all.

“Such sort of vicious circle of recession is surely related to an interest cut, if so, it is no doubt the society will cause inflation”, says one of the chief executives.
Almost anyone may not be able to stop deceleration of its economy as well.
But is there any option you can ward off danger?
What do you say to selling JPY a lot more, like distributing into some retail stores, or wherever?
The notorious investors around the world for example―sounds like a scathing expression―may as well purchase USD, as EUR is skyrocketing since this currency has been introduced. It’s too much at stake here when EU causes inflation as well.

“A temporally dollar drop does the trick to restrain the trade deficits in the US, but an extended depreciation of it may cause harmful effects to those exporting countries, such as Asia, or wherever”, speculates the other experts.

As you know, it is obviously beneficial just for the short visit when USD is getting lower against JPY.It can be said that you've got to take a closer look at its economy or society, let alone language itself, prior to living in the US in a long period.

Well, any ideas?
See you next time!


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