Sunday, February 06, 2005

What happened to me?

Hi..I'm take393,I'm suppose to come back to my web site every Sunday, but to put it precisely, this is not my own website, as you already know..I'm just borrowing this site from the provider.
Since I have started doing internet, I guess I tried a lot of things, like sending e mails, posting messages on the message board, blogging,or just searching google engine to find some informations and stuff. Also, I tentatively started chatting,but I'm not sure how it goes so far.
The other thing is, you know...I was able to meet some people face to face, whom I have first met on the internet.
I guess it's very convenient to see each other throughout the internet, but to the contrary, I came to know there exists a sort of hazard as well, you know.
What I mean anyone can access the internet, sometimes there exists some stupid idiot person who attemts to deceive someone, or to ask someone to give out some informations and stuff.

The guy whom I happened to meet on the internet the other day was one of those kind of people.
At the time he sent me a e mail, he seemed that he was so motivated to see me, and he was so eager to keep in touch with me as well, by giving me out his cell phone's number and stuff.
But when I got to the place where I supposed to meet him the other day, somehow he didn't show up, nor he hang up his phone whereas I called him dozens of time.
So...eventually, I delited his all messages all of a sudden, and I dealt them as spam mails. I think he didn't intend to see me at all, he just pretended to be a nice person, just getting into mischief, and that made me so irritate and drove me to write something on this page.
Not only did he play a trick on me, he also betrayed me, and made me waist my precious hours.
Now with the benefit of hindsight, I thought it's one of the lessons that I had learned from my experience. time, I should be more careful, like doing research carefully, just take my time, never to rush when he or she asks me to see immediately at any occasion. Well..that's all, see on next time !


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