Saturday, March 10, 2012

Do not forget 2:46 PM !!

Many of you folks might have already known, since Newspaper or TV reported in a large way. 

To say it precisely, an year anniversary will come in less than the net 20 hours, which was so “rampageous event” that had generated at 2:46 PM on Friday, March 11 in 2011

It is namely   2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

Come to think of it, looks everything around me has changed completely during the last 1 year. 
Already an year passed by・・ 【A Various Scenes】 are flashed back in rapid succession. 
And of course, I've lost lots of things as well.

I'll express my condolences from the bottom of my heart to those who had unfortunately lost lives on the ground that there was huge catastrophe, or in relation to the power plant. 
We have no words to say, and we can't do anything for you either.   

And to our beloved folks, we're very sorry to say are our pledge right in front of an year anniversary that we'll live with all our might each day in stead of you.


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